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Constanze Frei
Antioch University Los Angeles
Location : Pasadena, California,
Specialization: Children's books
Education: Anticoh University
Masters Degree in Fine Arts, Anticoh University (2016)
Year of Experience : 1-5_Years


Constanze Frei graduated from Antioch University with a Masters degree in Fine Arts , class of 2016, with honors while having received a full scholarship. Constanze is currently a writer with Antioch University Los Angeles where her main role is to write, currently Constanze has just finished her 1st book by the name of "The Girls Of The Moon", a book about an abandoned child listed in and out of orphanages without parental guidance. Constanze does short stories as well, a collection of links, sometimes short stories about other children. In the process of growing and developing in her career. Constanze was prompted to get involved in this profession as she had experience in writing and an interest in psychology. In the next few years Constanze plans to continue to grow and write, working more on children's books and complete a second book. Constanze bases her success on her education, studying, her scholarship and desire to succeed. Constanze is most proud of the work that she was able to accomplish with her first book.